i just bought what may be the most magnificent clothing* i've bought since last spring. *not counting shoes, of which i got one perfect pair- tall, metallic, pewter docs -in december.
Despite all my looking for an exaggeratedly huge, chunky, long, body-encompassing, cable-knit, soft, good-quality, maybe faux-fur accented sweater -honestly, i was willing to compromise soo much, and still found nothing between 0-$80 -and comfortable, everyday boots of a low price, and tops to make my thighs appear less huge....
I came upon a beautiful, stylish, edgy, hot, flattering, PIECE
and it is of a price range i feel would shock a certain person, but would not anger said person! and within the realm of being perfectly fine to buy if i don't really buy much for the next 2-3 weeks..except a thermos for my tea, because that's what will allow me to stop buying stuff.
now here's how i found said item. i was on barneys.com sale, looking for the elusive SWETAER- ya that's right! im leavin u spelled like that, bitch! -and low, in the sale section, was this ENLIVENED PIECE OF FABRIC THAT BELONGS ON AND WITH ME FOREVERMORE:
and it was originally $400. and is still $280 on other websites.
here's another dvf one going for $500. i don't even find this that flattering or understand why it's $100 more
and it's navy
mine is going for $200 in white gold
that's really, really cute but i guess i'll be able to wear the black one constantly
a puffier, silk version came out spring09. i don't know if mine was the same season, but i doubt it bc mine is still selling, and $400 where the one below was $345.
mine is better, prettier, hotter, etc.
on net-a-porter there's 10+ black sleeveless jumpsuits.. all very expensive